Taliban Agrees To Repatriation Of Undocumented Migrants, Says Iranian Embassy

The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kabul has announced that the Taliban has agreed to the return of undocumented Afghan migrants from Iran.

However, the Taliban’s Minister of Refugees, Abdul Kabir, has urged Iran and Pakistan to implement a structured and gradual repatriation process, rather than resorting to forced deportations.

Alireza Bikdeli, Iran’s Ambassador to Kabul, met with Abdul Kabir to discuss Iran’s policies on Afghan migrants. Following the meeting, the Iranian Embassy stated “An agreement was reached on cooperation for the return of undocumented Afghan nationals from Iran.”

The Taliban’s Ministry of Refugees also issued a statement confirming Abdul Kabir’s meetings with Iranian and Pakistani diplomats. The ministry reported that in his discussions with the Iranian Ambassador and Pakistan’s Chargé d’Affaires, Abdul Kabir urged both countries to treat Afghan migrants with patience and tolerance.

During the meeting, Abdul Kabir expressed concerns over the increasing mistreatment of Afghan migrants in both Iran and Pakistan in recent months. He stated “We expect host countries to adhere to international refugee principles and treat Afghans with humanity and in accordance with Islamic values.”

The Taliban’s Ministry of Refugees further emphasised that while the Taliban encourages Afghan migrants to return home, the current conditions in Afghanistan require that host countries manage repatriation gradually and systematically to avoid forced deportations.

Iranian officials have stated that the country is currently hosting over six million Afghan migrants, of whom more than two million are undocumented and required to leave.

The Islamic Republic of Iran deported over one million Afghan migrants last year, yet 50% of them later returned to Iran, reflecting ongoing challenges in managing Afghan migration and repatriation.