Taliban Publicly Flogs Five Individuals in Ghazni and Uruzgan

The Taliban Supreme Court has announced that local courts in Ghazni and Uruzgan provinces publicly flogged five individuals, including one woman, on charges of “extramarital sexual relations” and “murder.”

According to the statement, each of the accused received 39 lashes and was sentenced to prison terms ranging from one to three and a half years.

The Taliban court confirmed that the punishments were carried out on Monday in Jaghori district of Ghazni province and Khas Uruzgan district.

As per the ruling, two individuals received three and a half years’ imprisonment, another was sentenced to one and a half years, while the remaining person received a one-year prison term.

The Taliban described the public flogging as part of the implementation of “Islamic Sharia law.”

Since returning to power, the group has routinely carried out public punishments across Afghanistan, including floggings, amputations, and executions, often drawing international condemnation from human rights organisations.