Taliban’s Intelligence Agency In Takhar Arrests Medical Institute Students For Protesting

Taliban’s Intelligence Agency In Takhar Arrests Medical Institute Students For Protesting

According to sources, the Taliban's intelligence agency is still seeking to arrest protesting students in Takhar.

The Taliban’s intelligence agency entered the Takhar Institute on Thursday and detained a number of girls, sources said.

A source said that the Taliban arrested three female students and released them after a few hours.

The Taliban's intelligence agency has warned students to refrain from any protest and to stop publishing pictures and videos of their protests.

One student said that the Taliban’s intelligence agency officials told them that protesting "harms the honour and dignity of women".

Over the past two days, a number of female students of medical institutes in Takhar and a number of provinces have protested against the closure of these educational centres by the Taliban.

One of the protesting girls in Takhar told Afghanistan International, "Today, the lives of all female students are in danger." She said that the Taliban’s intelligence agency is searching every lane to arrest these protesting students. Regarding the reason for the girls' arrest, she said, "We raised our voices yesterday, but today two of our colleagues were arrested by the Taliban's intelligence agency."