Republic's Ambassadors In West Under Pressure To Engage With Taliban Or Close Embassy

Ambassadors of the former Afghan government to some Western countries report increasing pressure from host countries to encourage their interaction with the Taliban.

Diplomatic sources confirm that in the latest case, Germany has asked the former Afghan ambassador in Berlin and the consul general in Bonn to end their work soon.

These sources said that the ambassador and the consul general have been discussing with German officials for the past two months and justifying the continuation of their mission within the framework of the credentials of the republican government. However, according to reliable sources, Germany has said that their presence without relations with Kabul is not beneficial.

The sources added that other countries have also increased pressure on Afghan ambassadors over the past month, sending a message to "engage with the Taliban, or end your diplomatic mission”.

This has prompted protests from the ambassadors of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, and according to sources, they have reminded the host countries that engagement with the Taliban means recognition of the group.

In another case, a diplomatic source confirmed that Sweden recently did not renew the diplomatic card of the Afghan ambassador in Stockholm and asked him to leave the country.

Sources added that after Britain and Norway, a number of Afghan embassies controlled by diplomats of the former republican government may soon be closed under pressure from the host country or handed over to people loyal to the Taliban.