Situation In Afghanistan Requires Decisive Action By International Community, Says Faiq

Nasir Ahmad Faiq, Afghanistan's acting representative to the United Nations, called for decisive and united action by the international community to address the situation in Afghanistan.

Faiq also called on countries to criminalise gender apartheid under international law.

In his speech at the meeting of the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly on the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights, Faiq described the situation in Afghanistan as extremely worrying.

The Afghan envoy said that Afghanistan under the control of the Taliban is facing a deep crisis in the fields of human rights, social, economic and politics.

The Afghan diplomat reiterated that the Taliban's institutionalised oppression has led to a catastrophic erosion of the fundamental rights of Afghan citizens, especially women and girls.

Faiq also noted that the Taliban's education system focuses on extremism and the training of new recruits for the Taliban rather than providing real training, which will lead to further instability in Afghanistan and the region.

At the end of his speech, the representative of Afghanistan called for serious action by the international community to protect the rights of women and children and prevent the spread of gender apartheid.

After regaining control of Afghanistan in August 2021, the Taliban imposed a series of sweeping restrictions on Afghan citizens, especially women and girls.

The group currently prohibits girls from going to university and schools above the sixth grade.
The Taliban also recently signed a new law called the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, which targets women and girls more than ever.

The international community has condemned the Taliban's strict rules and called for their repeal, but the group has ignored these demands.