Islamabad Avoids Engagement With Taliban By Not Appointing Special Envoy, Says Pak Media

Pakistan's Express Tribune quoted informed sources as saying that Islamabad is avoiding interaction with the Taliban by not nominating a new representative for Afghanistan affairs.

The newspaper wrote that Pakistan is reluctant to expand relations with the TTP due to the Afghan Taliban's support for the TTP.

Pakistan's Express Tribune reported on Tuesday, October 22, that Pakistani authorities have so far shown no interest in nominating a successor after the dismissal of Asif Durrani. The outlet added that Pakistani Foreign Ministry officials believe that they can manage relations with the Afghan Taliban without appointing a diplomat to the post.

The Express Tribune writes that the government's hesitation to appoint new special envoy stems from the ineffectiveness of this role given the minimal diplomatic interaction between Pakistan and the Afghan Taliban.

In early 2023, Pakistan's Foreign Ministry named Asif Durrani as the country's special envoy for Afghanistan. The Pakistani media outlet has clarified that Pakistan's relationship with the Afghan Taliban deteriorated increasingly during Durrani’s tenure.

The Express Tribune quoted analysts of Pakistan-Afghan Taliban relations as saying that Asif Durrani was unable to have any impact on Pakistan-Taliban relations during his tenure. Analysts have said that Asif Durrani had no influence among the Afghan Taliban, as the Taliban's engagement was at its lowest level since he was given the responsibility.

At the height of tensions with the Taliban administration in Kabul, the Pakistani government dismissed Asif Durrani on September 11 this year.

Pakistan has repeatedly accused the Afghan Taliban of harbouring TTP militants and that the militant group is carrying out attacks on Pakistani soil from Afghan soil. This is something that the Taliban has always denied.