Taliban Launches House-To-House Searches In Kabul's Khair Khana Area Again

Local sources told Afghanistan International that the Taliban members began house-to-house searches in Kabul's Khair Khana on Tuesday.

According to sources, Taliban members have surrounded the area from the 11th district to parts of the 17th district in Sar-e-Kotal Khair Khana and were searching houses.

Local residents said that the Taliban has increased their checkpoints in the 315th Khair Khana crossing, Russ Road and parts of Khair Khana Hill.

Over the past three years, the Taliban has repeatedly searched the homes of Kabul residents, especially in the Khair Khana and northern areas of the city.

Taliban members have not yet officially commented on these searches.

The Taliban has repeatedly searched the homes of Afghan citizens in many provinces. The Taliban had earlier said that they were searching houses to find weapons.

House-to-house searches in Kabul's Khair Khana area comes as the Afghanistan Freedom Front, the group's military and political opposition, recently targeted the Kabul airport in an unprecedented operation.

The Afghanistan Freedom Front said on Sunday evening that it had attacked the military section of the Kabul airport from several directions. The front added that the operation began with the firing of several rockets and caused casualties to the Taliban.