Iranian Border Guards Shoot At Afghan Migrants Again, Reports Halvash

Human rights organisation Halvash once again reported the explosion of a mine and the shooting of Afghan migrants by Iranian border guards in Kalgan Saravan.

According to the report, a number of migrants were killed, injured and disappeared from a group of 150 people as a result of the explosion of mines and then, the shooting by Iranian border guards.

Halvash, which covers Sistan and Baluchestan news, quoted local sources as saying that the incident took place on Thursday evening, October 17, when a group of 150 Afghan migrants were trying to cross the Iran-Afghanistan border "illegally".

Halvash said that they were looking for more detailed information about the event.

Officials of the Islamic Republic have not yet commented on this matter.

In the past week, this is the second report of border guards shooting at Afghan migrants on the Iran-Afghanistan border.

On Tuesday, October 15, Iranian border forces opened fire on a group of 300 Afghan migrants who were trying to enter Iran in the Kalgan Saravan area. According to the report, the incident left "dozens" dead and wounded.

Iran's ambassador to Kabul and the commander of Iran's Sistan and Baluchestan border guard denied the previous incident of shooting and killing migrants. In a statement, the Taliban said that it had appointed a high-level panel to investigate reports of shooting at Afghan refugees. So far, the results of the board's investigation have not been published after a few days.