Male & Female Patients Can’t Visit Badakhshan Central Hospital Together, Says Taliban

Sources in Badakhshan province told Afghanistan International that the Taliban has separated the hours of admission of male and female patients at the province's central hospital.

The new timing for the entry of male and female patients to Burhanuddin Rabbani Hospital has been implemented since the beginning of this week.

According to this division, women should go for treatment in the morning and men in the afternoon.

This decision was made at the same time when a senior official of the Taliban's Ministry of Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice visited Badakhshan to oversee the implementation of the decree of the group's leader.

The Taliban official has also banned the sale and purchase of condoms in Badakhshan.

The Taliban has tightened their restrictions in various sectors in recent months, insisting that they will fully implement the order of the group's leader throughout Afghanistan.