Confiscated Over 259,000 Acres Of Land In Past Month, Claims Taliban

The Taliban's Ministry of Justice announced that it had confiscated 259,469 acres of usurped land in 23 provinces of Afghanistan from September to October this year.

The ministry said that it had confiscated more than 14,746 acres of land in Maidan Wardak province alone.

According to the Taliban's statement, between September 6 and October 4, 2024, 34,018 acres of land have been registered as "emirates" in Ghor, Maidan Wardak, Takhar, Logar, Nuristan, Badghis, and Panjshir provinces alone.

According to the statement published on Tuesday, another 567,782 acres of land in 33 provinces of Afghanistan are under review by the group's Land Grabbing Prevention Commission.

The Taliban's Ministry of Justice said that the confiscated lands are “Taliban government’s land” and have been handed over to the relevant departments of the group.

The statement did not specify which department owned the lands or who had usurped them.

The Taliban have emphasised that the investigation, identification and confiscation of such lands are continuing throughout the country.

After the Taliban's return to power, there have been reports of the group usurping citizens' lands, but the Taliban deny these accusations.