Iran Can No Longer Accept Afghan Refugees, Says Iranian Interior Minister

The interior minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran has said that the deportation of Afghan refugees is a popular demand and a national programme and is a priority for the country.

Eskandar Momeni claimed that all the resources of the Islamic Republic are spent on immigrants and that Iran can no longer accept them.

On Tuesday, October 1, on the sidelines of a meeting of commanders, deputies, and heads of the Intelligence Organisation of the Islamic Republic's Police Command, Iran's Interior Minister called on the responsible institutions to cooperate in the implementation of the plan to deport undocumented immigrants.

"We have prepared the necessary plans, and other sectors that are in charge of housing, work and jobs for nationals must cooperate so that this plan is properly implemented," he said.

In recent days, there have been reports about the ban on the education of Afghan children in the Islamic Republic's schools and the prohibition of selling bread to Afghans, which have provoked reactions.

Afghan immigrants in Iran do not have the right to rent a house, make transactions, sell or conclude any contracts.

Recently, the Commander-in-Chief of Iran's Police Force announced that by the end of this year, nearly two million Afghans without residency documents will be deported from Iran.