Taliban Arrests Former Member Of Parliament Shapoor Hasanzoy In Nangarhar

Family members of Shapoor Hasanzoy, a former member of Afghanistan's House of Representatives, said that the head of the Taliban's court in Nangarhar detained him "for no reason”.

They claimed that the arrest was due to disputes between the Nangarhar court and the Taliban's Interior Ministry.

Shapoor Hasanzoy's family members contacted Afghanistan International and said that the Taliban's deputy interior minister had previously sent a letter to Shapoor Hasanzoy regarding a legal issue related to a house in Nangarhar.

According to them, Shapoor Hasanzoy took the letter to the Nangarhar Police Command and Nangarhar police evacuated the house.

"After the house was vacated, the head of the Taliban court in Nangarhar summoned Shapoor Hasanzoy to his office and sent him to prison without any charges," said a family member of Hasanzoy.

The MP’s family also said that Abdul Shakoor, the head of the Taliban's court in Nangarhar, told Hasanzoy that he should have complained to the group's court in Nangarhar about the legal issue of the house instead of the Ministry of Interior Affairs.

The family also acknowledged that the head of the Taliban's court in Nangarhar had warned that the group's Interior Ministry had no right to write to Hasanzoy about a legal issue.

However, Shapoor Hasanzoy's family members noted that he was a victim of the Taliban's administrative dissent and internal conflicts, and called on the group to release him.

Hasanzoy, a lawmaker for the people of Logar in the former Afghan parliament, took refuge abroad after the fall of the government and the Taliban's takeover, but after a while, he returned to the country with the cooperation of the Taliban's "Commission for Contact with Afghan Personalities”. After a while, he regretted returning to Afghanistan and stated in an interview with local media that the Taliban had deceived him and had not fulfilled his promises.