Taliban Announces Reshuffle Of Group's Officials In Several Provinces

The Taliban announced that a number of the group's officials have been transferred in some provinces on the orders of Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada.

According to these changes, the Taliban's governor in Ghor has been appointed as the commander of the 205th Corps, and the district governor of this group in Gereshk, Helmand, has been appointed as the governor of Ghor.

A Taliban spokesman said on Wednesday that Ahmad Shah Dindoost, the governor of Ghor, has been appointed as the commander of the Badr Corps and Hayatullah Mubarak, the former district governor of Gereshk, Helmand, has been appointed as the governor of Ghor.

Nisar Ahmad Nusrat, the Taliban's governor in Kunduz, has been introduced as the deputy minister of rural rehabilitation and development, and Mohammad Khan Dawat, the former commander of the 205th Al-Badr Corps, has been introduced as the Taliban's governor in Kunduz.

Bakht-ur-Rahman Sharafat, deputy director of the Taliban's railway department, has been appointed as deputy minister of public health, and Mohammad Ishaq Sahibzada, deputy minister of public health, has been appointed as deputy director of the railway administration.

Abdul Salam Hussaini, the Taliban's former police chief in Helmand's Musa Qala district, has been appointed as the Kapisa police chief.
Noor Aqa Haider, the former head of security at the Taliban's police chief in Badghis, has been appointed as the police chief of Ghor.

Hafizullah Pahlawan, the Taliban's former police chief in Jawzjan, has been appointed as the head of Badghis police headquarters.

Azizullah Mustafa, the Taliban's former education chief in Nangarhar, has been appointed as the deputy governor of Kapisa province.

Mohammad Usman has now started working as the group's human resources chief at the Ministry of Agriculture.

Rahmatul Haq Fazil, the Taliban's former deputy foreign minister, has been elected as a member of the group's central Darul Ifta.

The Taliban did not provide details about the reason for the change in the duties of these officials.