Iran To Impart Training To Engineers of Taliban’s Ministry of Mines

During a meeting with the Taliban's Minister of Mines, the Iranian delegation announced the willingness of Iranian investors to extract iron, coal, and oil mines.

According to the Taliban, the Iranian delegation also committed to holding training courses on standard mining for engineers from the group's Ministry of Mines.

Mullah Hidayatullah Badri, the Taliban's Minister of Mines and Petroleum, met with Ahmad Mohseni, a representative of the Iranian government, and representatives of six mining companies on Tuesday, to discuss investment in Afghanistan's mineral resources.

According to the Taliban, representatives of Iranian companies are interested in investing in Afghanistan's iron, coal and oil mines.

Earlier, the Taliban's Ministry of Industry and Commerce announced the visit of a delegation from the Islamic Republic of Iran to Kabul and said that the delegation had proposed investment for "the establishment of a special economic and mineral zone between Iran and Afghanistan" and the extraction of Afghanistan's iron mines.