Russia Invites Taliban To Moscow Format Meeting

The Taliban has claimed that Dmitry Zhirnov, the Russian ambassador to Kabul, invited the group to participate in the upcoming meeting of the Moscow format.

During a meeting with Taliban’s Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi on Wednesday, Zhirnov said that Russia cares about its relations with the group.

"Moscow attaches special importance to relations with the Taliban and has always invited the Afghan delegation to all regional and international meetings hosted by Russia," Zhirnov said as per the Taliban's Foreign Ministry.

Amir Khan Muttaqi said that the Taliban has participated in all the meetings of the "Moscow format" and considers this format positive. He said that the upcoming meeting is an opportunity to discuss bilateral issues with high-ranking Russian officials and representatives of countries in the region.

The Moscow Format meetings, which have been initiated by Russia since 2017, aim to create a platform for regional and international cooperation in order to find a comprehensive and peaceful solution to the Afghan crisis, as well as to counter the spread of terrorism and drug trafficking.

For the first time, Taliban leaders appeared in front of the media at the Moscow Format conference. Observers believe that the Moscow format elevated the Taliban from an insurgent and armed group to a political group.

These meetings are usually attended by representatives from Afghanistan's neighbouring countries, including Iran, Pakistan, China, India, and Central Asian countries (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan).