Anti-Taliban Fronts Carried Out 73 Attacks Against Taliban In 3 Months, Details UN Report

The UN Secretary-General reported that anti-Taliban fronts, including the National Resistance Front (NRF) and the Afghanistan Freedom Front, have carried out 73 attacks against the Taliban.

The report states that from May 14 to July 31, 2,127 security incidents were recorded in Afghanistan, an increase of 53 percent compared to the same period last year.

The UN Secretary-General released his report to the UN Security Council for the past three months on Tuesday (September 17).
According to the report, 80 cases of armed conflict have been recorded in Afghanistan during this period, compared to 37 cases in the same period last year.

The report was published under the title "The Situation in Afghanistan and the Implications for International Peace and Security". It also reported that explosions caused by improvised explosive devices (IEDs) increased by six to 13 during this period compared to last year.

According to the report, despite the fact that anti-Taliban fronts such as the NRF and the Afghanistan Freedom Front have not been able to seize territory, they have carried out 73 attacks against the Taliban during this period.

The report states that the National Resistance Front was responsible for 53 attacks and the Afghanistan Freedom Front was responsible for 21 attacks. The perpetrators of the other 19 attacks remain unknown.

According to the Secretary-General's report, from May 15 to August 1, ISIS-K carried out four attacks in Bamiyan, Kandahar and Kabul, and an operation was carried out by the Taliban against ISIS in Nangarhar.

The report states that contrary to the Taliban's promise of a general amnesty, there have been reports of human rights violations against former military officials.

The United Nations has documented four cases of extrajudicial killings, nine cases of arbitrary detention, and six cases of torture and ill-treatment of former government officials and members of the Afghan National Defence and Security Forces. The UN has not specified who killed or tortured them.

According to reports, the Taliban has continued to arrest and in some cases kill former government military personnel despite a general amnesty.

In the new report, it has been stated that ISIS has continued its propaganda against the Taliban and the international community over the past three months.

According to the report, ISIS "ridiculed" the Taliban's claim of providing security in May by releasing a video.

"On May 26, ISIS released a video in which it threatened all foreigners and the United Nations in Afghanistan, mocking the Taliban's claim that security in the country has been successful," the report reads in part.

The report predicts that 23.7 million people in Afghanistan will need humanitarian assistance in 2024.

The report has said that as of August 30 this year, only 24.9 percent of the $2.9 billion needed to help Afghanistan has been secured.

The report shows that during this period, Taliban officials have continued to appoint people loyal to the group at the national and local levels.
At the national level, the Taliban have appointed two ministers, seven deputy ministers, a deputy spokesperson, the governor and first deputy of the Central Bank, and 12 directors in ministries.

At the local level, the Taliban have appointed four governors, four deputy governors, two mayors, and at least 26 local administrators and 24 district chiefs loyal to the group.

According to the report, Noor Ahmad Agha, the new governor of the Central Bank, is under UN Security Council sanctions.