Taliban Publicly Flogs Nearly 40 People In One Month

The Taliban's Supreme Court has reported the flogging of at least 37 people, including women, from mid-August to mid-September.

The Taliban have convicted the men on charges such as running away from home, theft, blasphemy, extramarital sex, and same-sex relations.

The Taliban's Supreme Court announces the execution of the flogging sentences of the defendants in various provinces a few days a week.

According to statements published on the court's X social media account, the Taliban have flogged people in Maidan Wardak, Khost, Bamyan, Parwan, Ghazni, Helmand, Zabul, and Kabul provinces for more than a month.

The majority of the court's statements stated that the people were flogged in front of the public and local officials of the group.
The Taliban's implementation of corporal punishment has been criticised by human rights organisations.

The Taliban, however, has ignored calls to stop corporal punishment of citizens, and the group's officials have consistently emphasised on the implementation of the "Hudud Sharia law”.
Human rights organisations say that the Taliban's judicial system is completely substandard and that defendants are deprived of due process, such as the right to a lawyer.

In addition, during more than three years of the Taliban's rule, documented reports of Taliban members violating the group's laws, such as extramarital sex and same-sex relations, have been published, but the Taliban have not yet announced their prosecution in any case.