US Congressman Proposes Bill to Support Anti-Taliban Process in Vienna

On Wednesday, US Representative Tim Burchett introduced a bill to the House of Representatives calling for US support of the "Vienna Process," which involves the National Resistance Front and other anti-Taliban groups.

The bill urges the United States and other nations to participate in the Vienna meetings.
Several anti-Taliban groups, including the National Resistance Front led by Ahmad Massoud, have held multiple meetings in Vienna, Austria. The most recent session in June brought together 70 opposition figures to discuss "political unity and a clear, common future for free Afghans”.

Burchett described the Vienna Process as an inclusive platform for anti-Taliban political forces. In a statement, he said, “This bill condemns the Taliban as a terrorist organisation and urges the US to engage in the Vienna Process while encouraging other nations to join as well."

While US and European representatives have maintained contact with the Taliban, they have kept their distance from the National Resistance Front and other opposition groups. However, in a recent development, Michael McCaul, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, met with representatives of the National Resistance Front in Washington just a day prior.

The bill outlines that the Vienna meetings have the potential to create a "unified front against the Taliban and pave the way for lasting peace and stability in Afghanistan”. Burchett has urged the House to forward this proposal to the US State Department and the United Nations to rally support for the Vienna process.