Afghans in Norway Criticise Country's Decision to Close Afghan Embassy

Afghans residing in Norway have issued a statement criticising the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' decision to close the Afghan Embassy in Oslo.

These citizens called on Norway to stop "concealing and legally and socially justifying the Taliban" in order to engage with the group and recognise the "terrorist administration" in Afghanistan.

The Afghan Embassy in Norway announced that it would close its doors on Thursday, September 12, following the host nation's directive.
Afghan citizens in Norway, in a joint statement, expressed concerns that this decision would create numerous challenges for Afghans, Norwegian citizens, and other individuals.

Afghan citizens further demanded that diplomatic, consular, and administrative work at the embassy continue until a national inclusive government is formed to address the needs of those seeking assistance.

The statement added, "We do not expect Norway, with its distinguished record of human rights, democracy, and value-based politics, to become complicit in the hidden games of international terrorism, and we call for the preservation of its international reputation."

The Afghan community reiterated their recognition of the Taliban as "a terrorist group”.
This marks the second Afghan embassy in Europe to be closed by the host nation. Earlier this week, the Afghan Embassy in London also announced its closure on orders from the UK government.

The decision comes after the Taliban administration announced that it no longer recognised diplomatic missions set up by the former government and that documents issued by embassies in Norway and 13 other mostly European countries were invalid.