Taliban's Ministry of Higher Education Begins Review of Natural Sciences Curriculum

The Taliban's Ministry of Higher Education has initiated the first phase of "review and development" of the curriculum in subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Education.

Bakhtar News Agency reported on Monday that the curriculum will be reviewed from a religious perspective.

The Taliban have not released specific details regarding the changes they intend to implement in the natural sciences textbooks.

Abdul Rauf Farahi, the head of curriculum development at the Ministry of Higher Education, stated, "New global experiences and advancements will be incorporated into the curriculum in the light of the teachings of Islam."

The review process will involve professors from the Faculty of Education, members of the National Curriculum Commission, and professional representatives from relevant departments, who will work on the curriculum over five days.

The review of natural sciences comes after the Taliban's Minister of Higher Education previously announced that the curriculum of over 70 faculties had been reviewed.

Following this, reports surfaced indicating a reduction in the scientific content of university curricula and an increase in religious content.

Recently, credible sources within the Ministry of Higher Education told Afghanistan International that the Taliban has reduced the teaching hours of core subjects in faculties and tripled the hours allocated to Islamic Culture courses.