ISIS Claims Responsibility For Deadly Suicide Attack in Kabul

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the deadly suicide attack targeting employees of the Directorate of Monitoring and Enforcement of Taliban Decrees in Kabul.

The group stated that the attack resulted in over 45 people being killed and injured.

According to a statement from the Taliban's Ministry of Interior, the attack killed at least six people, including one woman, and injured 13 others. Some Taliban sources reported that 12 people were killed in the explosion.

ISIS claimed that its suicide bomber waited for the employees to exit through the main gate before detonating his explosive vest. The group asserted that the attack killed more than 45 Taliban personnel.

The incident occurred on Monday afternoon as the employees were leaving their offices. A Taliban police spokesperson stated that all those killed were civilians.

Reports indicate that some of the victims were former civilian employees of the previous Afghan government who were working under the Taliban administration.

ISIS-Khorasan, the Afghanistan branch of ISIS, has previously claimed responsibility for numerous attacks on schools, hospitals, mosques, and Shia/Hazara areas in Kabul and other regions of Afghanistan. Despite repeated claims by Taliban officials that ISIS has been eradicated and has no physical presence in Afghanistan, Monday's attack demonstrated that ISIS-Khorasan remains active and possesses significant operational capabilities.

International reports have identified ISIS-Khorasan as a highly active group with the potential to carry out operations beyond Afghanistan's borders.