Woman Flogged in Kabul for Alleged Extramarital Affairs

The Taliban's Supreme Court announced that a woman was flogged in Kabul on Wednesday on charges of having an extramarital affair.

The court said in a statement that the woman was sentenced to two years in prison and 35 lashes.

The Taliban court did not give any details about the woman's identity or how the flogging sentence was carried out.

The Taliban’s statement said that the woman's sentence was carried out after approval by the Supreme Court and the group's primary court in the fourth district of Kabul city.

The Taliban recently publicly flogged a man in Mazar-e-Sharif for allegedly "selling alcohol and psychotropic pills".

Corporal punishment, stoning, and the death penalty resumed in Afghanistan after the Taliban's return to power in August 2021.

The international community and human rights defenders have repeatedly called for an end to the Taliban's corporal punishment of defendants, but the group has continued to implement "Islamic law" at will.

The United Nations has repeatedly stated that the Taliban violates the laws and human dignity by flogging Afghan citizens.