Law For Propagation of Virtue & Prevention of Vice Enacted By Taliban Leader

The Taliban's Ministry of Justice announced that Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada, the leader of the group, has enacted the "Law for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice”.

The law states that it is necessary to cover "the entire body of a woman and to hide her face due to fear of sedition”. How men dress is another part of the Taliban's law.
The Taliban's Ministry of Justice said that this law has been published in the official gazette with an introduction, four chapters, and 35 articles.

According to this law, the Taliban's Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice is obligated to "enjoin the good and forbid the evil in accordance with Islamic Sharia and Hanafi jurisprudence”.

According to the Taliban's Ministry of Justice, in the law signed by Mullah Hibatullah, the Ministry of Virtue is obliged to "enjoin virtue and forbid vice" in relation to the clothing of men and women.

"Obliging people and employees of Emirati offices to respect Islamic rites, obliging media officials to publish content in accordance with Sharia, not insulting Muslims, and publishing content that does not contain soulful photographs" are among the duties of the Taliban's Ministry of Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.

The law also prohibits the playing of music, the transportation of women without a mahram [guaridan] or without a hijab [cover], and the mixing of women with men in vehicles.

The Ministry of Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice has also been tasked with preventing the shaving of the beard.

According to this law, if a person ignores the instructions of the the Talibam morality police for the Promotion of Virture, he will be punished "from one hour to three days in public prisons and ultimately a punishment that is deemed appropriate” by the morality police.

The Taliban's Ministry of Virtue announced on Tuesday, August 21, that it had arrested more than 13,000 people in the past year for "immoral acts”.
The ministry said that during this period, it has also dismissed more than 280 members of its security forces for not growing beards.