Takhar Women Stage Protest March in Taloqan Against Taliban’s Policies

A group of women’s rights activists in Takhar took to the streets on Monday, August 12, to protest against the Taliban’s policies.

During the march, the protestors chanted slogans denouncing "gender apartheid," declaring that the Taliban cannot silence women’s voices through the use of force.

This demonstration was held close on the heels of the third anniversary of the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul.

Identifying themselves as members of the "New Thought Movement," the women’s rights activists marched through the streets of Taloqan, the provincial capital, under the banner of "Women, Life, Freedom”.

The protestors accused the Taliban of enforcing gender apartheid in Afghanistan and called on other women to stand up for their rights against the group.

Meanwhile, Taliban officials are preparing to commemorate August 15 as the day of their "victory over the US occupation and its allies”.

Women’s rights movements, both within Afghanistan and internationally, have issued statements ahead of August 15, marking the third anniversary of the Taliban’s return to power, describing it as the "darkest day in Afghanistan’s modern history”.