Iranian Security Officer Allegedly Breaks Afghan Teenager’s Neck During Arrest

Sources in Iran reported that a 15-year-old Afghan teenager has suffered severe injuries, including a broken neck, as a result of police torture.

According to these sources, an officer in plainclothes in the village of Absard, Damavand County, restrained Seyed Mehdi by holding his arms and legs while another officer placed his knee on the boy’s neck.

Our sources provided a video clip of the arrest and assault on this teenager, who hails from Daikundi province in Afghanistan. The footage shows that Seyed Mehdi is now hospitalised.

A source told Afghanistan International that the incident began when security forces launched a series of attacks on migrants in Absard village. Fearing for his safety, Seyed Mehdi, who has hearing impairments, attempted to flee but was pursued and captured by the security forces.

According to this source, the officers apprehended and severely tortured the teenager in the presence of several women who were on their way to work.

In the video sent to us, two officers in plain clothes and one uniformed officer are seen pinning the boy to the ground next to a police vehicle.

Initially, two officers are seen applying their full weight on the boy's body. One of them, then, places his knee on Seyed Mehdi’s neck. As the teenager cries out in pain, several nearby women scream and try to intervene, but the security officers push them away.

The video shows that after some time, Seyed Mehdi's cries cease, and the officers then drag him into the police vehicle.

One source explained in a note to Afghanistan International that the officers took Seyed Mehdi to a detention camp and later released him with a broken neck.

Our sources confirmed that the teenager is currently hospitalised, but his exact condition remains unknown.

In recent weeks, there has been an increase in pressure from Iranian security forces and some citizens on Afghan migrants, with numerous reports of attacks against them.

Several Iranian social media users have initiated a campaign, including hate speech against migrants, under the banner "Expelling Afghans, a National Demand," calling for the deportation of Afghan migrants.