Shia Activists in Germany Declare Resistance Against Taliban 'Permissible & Necessary’

Sunday, 07/28/2024

Several Shia figures at a meeting in Germany declared that the people of Afghanistan, especially Shias, are being deliberately deprived of their human and Islamic rights under Taliban rule.

They described the Taliban government as illegitimate and a "government of oppression," asserting that resistance against the group is "permissible and necessary."

These Shia activists made their statements on Saturday, 27 July, at a conference titled "Gathering of Afghan Shia Elites" in Frankfurt. They noted that restrictions on the Shia community have increased over time.

In their first meeting in Frankfurt last May, Shia activists also emphasised the need for "firm resistance" against the Taliban.

Participants in the second Frankfurt meeting issued a statement denouncing restrictions on women as "gender apartheid" and called for the recognition of Afghan women's human rights.

The Shia community leaders criticised a group claiming to represent Shias in dealings with the Taliban, arguing that in the absence of a logical mechanism, no self-appointed representative can negotiate with the Taliban or anyone else on behalf of the Shias regarding their rights.

They stressed the need to develop a comprehensive roadmap to overcome the current situation and called for the mobilisation of all resources.

Shia figures residing in Europe urged the international community and the United Nations to minimise engagement with the Taliban and refrain from recognising the group.

The Shia elites stated that unilateral engagement with the Taliban exacerbates the humanitarian crisis and promotes terrorism in Afghanistan and the region.

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