US Offers $10 Million Reward to Disrupt ISIS-Khorasan Financial Network

Friday, 07/26/2024

The US Department of State has announced a $10 million reward for information leading to the disruption of the financial network of ISIS-Khorasan.

The department stated in a press release that it is offering $10 million for information that results in disrupting the funding processes of ISIS-Khorasan.

This announcement was posted on the "Rewards for Justice" website, which tracks the State Department's rewards for information about wanted individuals and groups.

The release adds that ISIS-Khorasan is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians, who lost their lives in the group's terrorist attacks on schools, mosques, funerals, and even hospitals.

The Department of State believes that ISIS-Khorasan finances its activities through the extraction of natural resources in Afghanistan, including the profitable talc mines in Nangarhar.

The department also noted that ISIS-Khorasan funds itself through activities such as taxation, extortion from local businesses and individuals, illegal tobacco sales in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and money laundering using cryptocurrency.

Additionally, the department stated that this terrorist group receives financial support from the main branch of ISIS.

According to the "Rewards for Justice" website, the group uses its financial resources to purchase weapons, train members, and conduct terrorist operations.

The department emphasised that ISIS-Khorasan uses informal remittance systems to transfer money and fund its activities.

The announcement calls for cooperation to cut off the financial pathways of the group.

ISIS-Khorasan is officially a branch of the "Islamic State" operating in South Asia, primarily in Afghanistan.

The group refers to Afghanistan and its neighbouring countries as "Khorasan Province," based on the historical region of Greater Khorasan.

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