Senior Taliban Official Supports One China Policy & Beijing's Major Projects

Friday, 07/26/2024

Abdul Salam Hanafi, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Taliban, met with the Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism of China in Kabul on Thursday.

Hanafi added that "the Taliban leadership fully supports the One China Policy and its proposed major projects”.

He expressed hope that the Wakhan Corridor will play an important role in developing economic relations between Afghanistan and China.

The One China Policy is a principle established by the Chinese government, declaring that there is only one country named China and that Taiwan is an inseparable part of it. This policy rejects the recognition of Taiwan as an independent country and asserts that the People's Republic of China is the only legitimate government of China.

The United States recognises the People's Republic of China as the legitimate government of China and does not support Taiwan's formal independence. However, Washington does not formally consider Taiwan a part of China and has urged Beijing not to annex Taiwan by military force, but to resolve its differences with Taipei peacefully.

The Deputy Prime Minister of the Taliban’s support for China's projects refers to the "Belt and Road Initiative," which includes a network of infrastructure projects aimed at improving trade and investment in over 60 countries across Asia, Europe, and Africa.

In a statement, the Taliban announced that Hanafi, in a meeting with Li Qun, Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism of China, said that Afghanistan has a historic and close relationship with China, and China has remained a good friend to Afghanistan throughout history.

Hanafi thanked China as an important economic and political partner and stated that "China, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, should continue to support Afghanistan's position on the international stage”.

He expressed hope that the Wakhan Corridor will play an important role in developing economic relations between Afghanistan and China. The Deputy Prime Minister of the Taliban welcomed the start of the Aynak copper project and expressed hope that extraction activities would begin as soon as possible.

The Taliban official emphasised that neighbouring countries, including China and all other countries, can rest assured that the Taliban will never allow Afghanistan's territory to be used against them.

According to the Taliban, the Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism of China emphasised on the protection of historical artefacts at Aynak copper area and expressed hope that "the Taliban regime remains stable”.

He came to Kabul for the inauguration of the Aynak copper road and to meet with Taliban officials.

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