Taliban’s FM & Hamas Political Bureau Chief Discuss Gaza

Wednesday, 07/24/2024

Amir Khan Muttaqi, the Taliban’s Foreign Minister, and Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas's Political Bureau, discussed Gaza.

Zia Ahmad Takal, the Deputy Spokesperson for the Taliban’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, wrote that Muttaqi welcomed the agreement of Palestinian groups in Beijing and stated that the Taliban supports the Palestinian resistance.

According to Zia Ahmad Takal, Muttaqi, in this telephone call on Wednesday, appreciated the “efforts and sacrifices of the Jihadi Hamas movement,” and emphasised on “unity and steadfastness in Jihadi struggles”.

Senior representatives of Palestinian political factions reached an agreement in China on Wednesday.

Mousa Abu Marzook, a member of Hamas's Political Bureau, announced on Tuesday that after a meeting in China, Hamas had signed an agreement with other Palestinian factions, including its rival, Fatah.

The Deputy Spokesperson for the Taliban’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Ismail Haniyeh, in his call with Amir Khan Muttaqi, discussed Palestine and recent developments in Gaza. Details of this conversation were not disclosed.

The Taliban have consistently expressed support for Hamas in recent months.

Husam Badran, a member of Hamas’s Political Bureau, in March 2024, appreciated the “strong” stance of the Taliban leader regarding the Gaza conflict and mentioned that Hamas is working to strengthen its “good relations” with the Taliban.

In June this year, Israeli army radio, quoting the Al-Akhbar newspaper, reported that the Taliban assured Iran that in the event of an intense war between Israel and Hezbollah, they would send thousands of fighters to Lebanon.

Earlier, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, Iran's Special Representative for Afghanistan stated that Afghanistan is the “axis of resistance” and that if needed, “martyrdom” forces from Afghanistan would go to Gaza.

The Taliban and the Islamic Republic of Iran have close relations, and officials from Iran and the Taliban have frequently visited Kabul and Tehran over the past three years.

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