Over 17,000 Children With Malnutrition Treated in Kandahar, Says Islamic Development Bank

Tuesday, 07/23/2024

The Islamic Development Bank reported that over the past year, it has treated more than 17,000 children suffering from acute malnutrition in Kandahar.

The bank added that this initiative was financially supported by the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre through UNICEF-supported clinics.

According to the bank, these children received therapeutic food packages through these clinics over the past 12 months.

The report states that during this period, approximately 16,000 therapeutic food packages, valued at over $953,000, were distributed to these children in Kandahar.

The Islamic Development Bank explained in its report that the total number of children treated under this programme was 17,543, including 9,940 boys and 7,603 girls.

Recently, Doctors Without Borders also announced that last year it treated 10,400 children, and in the first four months of this year, 2,416 children with malnutrition under the age of five in Kandahar, Herat, and Helmand.

This organisation painted a grim picture of the situation of children in Afghanistan in its report, adding that unemployment and poverty among the people have led to children in families suffering from malnutrition.

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