Attacked 2 Taliban Outposts In Parwan & Kapisa, Claims NRF

Thursday, 07/18/2024

The National Resistance Front (NRF) has claimed that in two attacks on Taliban forces in Parwan and Kapisa, three Taliban fighters had been killed and three others were wounded.

So far, Taliban members have not commented on this claim by the NRF.

On Wednesday (July 17), the NRF in a statement said that the first attack took place on a Taliban checkpoint on the outskirts of Charikar city, resulting in the death of one Taliban member and injuries to two others.

The front added that the second attack occurred in the Hesa Duwum district of Kapisa province on a Taliban base, resulting in the deaths of two fighters and the wounding of one Taliban fighter.

NRF stated that no harm came to their forces in these attacks.

The front is one of two armed groups that occasionally attack Taliban forces in various central and northern provinces.

The Freedom Front is another armed group opposing the Taliban, which occasionally reports attacks on Taliban military centres.

Taliban officials have repeatedly stated that these groups have not succeeded in capturing any territory so far.

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