Taliban Signs 3 Agreements Worth $25 Million For Solar Power Generation

Thursday, 07/18/2024

On Thursday, the Taliban's Ministry of Energy and Water announced the signing of three agreements for solar power generation projects valued at $25 million with a private company.

According to the Taliban, these projects will generate eight megawatts of electricity in Paktika, Uruzgan, and Farah.

Abdul Latif Mansour, the Taliban's Minister of Energy and Water, and Haji Pahlawan, the head of the private company "Awfi Bahram Mining" signed these agreements on Thursday.

Due to a lack of access to electrical energy, Afghanistan relies heavily on fossil fuels and generators, and it is significantly dependent on neighbouring countries for its energy needs.

The country meets 75% of its electricity needs from Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Iran, spending millions of dollars annually.

In late 2023, the United Nations announced that Afghanistan is facing a major energy crisis, with only 40% of households in the country having access to electricity.

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