Taliban Orders New Restrictions on Journalists’ Attire in Kandahar

Tuesday, 07/02/2024

Abdulhai Omari, the provincial director of the Propagation of Virtue in Kandahar, has mandated that journalists and media workers grow beards and wear turbans.

Omari has described the media and journalists as "sources of moral corruption" and stressed on the need for their reformation.

Sources in Kandahar informed the Pashto section of Afghanistan International that during a meeting with several media workers, Omari reiterated the enforcement of Sharia law.

Omari repeatedly and firmly instructed media officials that "broadcasting women's voices is completely forbidden and should not be aired in any programme”.

On Monday, the heads of the Taliban's Department of Information and Culture, along with representatives of their intelligence agency, held a meeting with journalists and media officials in Kandahar.

During this meeting, journalists from Kandahar complained about mistreatment and demanded timely access to information, cooperation from the Taliban's security agencies in preparing reports, and other issues.

However, three days earlier, the Taliban's police command in Kandahar raided media offices without notifying media officials and took some journalists to their headquarters.

It has been reported that these journalists were released after being detained for a few hours. The reason for their detention by the Taliban remains unknown.

Taliban intelligence has instructed journalists in many provinces to avoid reporting critical and negative topics related to the group, warning that failure to comply will result in serious consequences.

Previously, the Afghanistan Journalists Centre reported that the Taliban have threatened or imprisoned media outlets and journalists who ignored their orders.

According to the centre, from May 2023 to May 2024, at least 136 cases of violations against media freedom and journalists have been recorded.

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