Taliban In Uruzgan Call On Public To Attend Flogging Of 18 Individuals

Tuesday, 07/02/2024

The Taliban governor's office in Uruzgan has announced that 18 individuals will be publicly flogged at the stadium of the province capital, Tarinkot.

According to the office's statement, these individuals have been accused of committing various crimes.

The office has called on the public to attend the scene to witness the punishment of these individuals.

The governor's office in Uruzgan added that these individuals, with the coordination of the group's Supreme Court, will be flogged in public on Tuesday afternoon at the Tarinkot stadium.

In a note posted on X social media platform, the governor's office emphasised that bringing any kind of phone or camera to the flogging site is "strictly prohibited”.

The Taliban has made public and corporal punishments, including flogging, a regular practice, while human rights organisations have repeatedly objected to such punishments.

Recently, Richard Bennett, the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights, criticised this treatment of the accused and stated that the Taliban has recently intensified the enforcement of Sharia laws.

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