Discussions Regarding Lifting Sanctions Against Taliban Underway, Says Russian Official

Tuesday, 07/02/2024

Vasily Nebenzya, Russia's ambassador to the United Nations, on Monday hinted at the possibility of lifting Russia's sanctions against the Taliban.

He mentioned that although there is no precise timeline for removing the Taliban from the sanctions list, he has "heard discussions about it”.

Representatives of the Taliban and special envoys from 25 countries and five international organisations participated in the third Doha meeting on Sunday.

At this meeting, the Taliban called for the lifting of sanctions and for countries to assist Afghanistan's private sector and combat drug trafficking.

Like many other countries, including the United States and the European Union, Russia has maintained sanctions against the Taliban. Despite its close relations with the Taliban, Moscow has not removed the group from its list of terrorist organisations, though it has promised to consider doing so.

According to Agence France-Presse, Nebenzya stated that he cannot provide a definitive answer on how close they are to lift sanctions against Taliban, but mentioned that he has heard discussions about it.

He reiterated the statements of senior Russian officials that the Taliban are the main power in Afghanistan and control the country.

Earlier, Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs told the state news agency TASS that the removal of the Taliban from Russia's list of terrorist organisations is under review.

Since take over of power in August 2021, the Taliban has not been recognised by any government.

Russia has not recognised the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan but has defended their positions in international meetings, including at the Security Council.

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