OIC Calls For Constructive Engagement With Taliban For Solving Challenges

Monday, 07/01/2024

Tariq Ali Bakheet, the representative of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation Secretary-General at the Doha meeting, called for constructive and ongoing engagement with the Taliban to address Afghanistan's issues.

Bakheet said that the organisation continues its constructive dialogue with the Taliban on women's education and employment and combating terrorism.

According to a press release published by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, Bakheet emphasised in his speech on the necessity of a coordinated and integrated strategic approach to address the multiple challenges facing Afghanistan and its people.

He stated that achieving this goal is possible through continuous and constructive interaction with the current rulers of Afghanistan.

The third Doha meeting for Afghanistan was held on Sunday and Monday in the capital of Qatar.

The exclusion of discussion about women's suppression and rights from the third Doha meeting has sparked widespread protests both inside Afghanistan and among Afghan citizens abroad.

Many civil activists, political figures, and Afghan citizens have called for a boycott of this meeting. Meanwhile, the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also described the absence of representatives of Afghan women, religious and ethnic minorities, and human rights activists in the main Doha meeting as "disappointing”.

The ministry stated that without the meaningful and equal participation of Afghan women in the Doha meeting, none of the goals of this meeting will be achieved.

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