Lifting Of Sanctions To Be Discussed In Doha Meeting, Claims Taliban Official

Friday, 06/28/2024

Zakir Jalali, a senior official from the Taliban's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that the upcoming Doha meeting is expected to address the lifting of sanctions imposed by the West on the group.

Jalali wrote on X social media platform that regional countries are advocating for the removal of banking sanctions on the Taliban.

On Friday, he wrote that it has been anticipated that discussions at the Doha meeting will focus on the "removal of unilateral and illegal sanctions”.

This Taliban official highlighted that the financial and banking sanctions have hindered trade development between Afghanistan and the region.

He views the third Doha meeting on Afghanistan as an opportunity for dialogue between the Taliban and Western countries regarding these sanctions.

Jalali noted that regional and trans-regional meetings have seen countries calling for the lifting of banking sanctions against Afghanistan. While he did not specify which countries, it appears he is referring to Russia, China, Uzbekistan, and Iran, which have previously urged the release of Afghanistan's frozen assets.

Addressing the widespread protests demanding the Taliban's exclusion from the Doha meeting, Jalali suggested that the West does not want to fall behind other players in engaging with the Taliban. He mentioned that understanding between the Taliban and regional countries is growing.

The Taliban's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that Zabihullah Mujahid, the group's spokesperson, will lead the Taliban delegation at the third Doha meeting.

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