UN Deviating From Primary Mission, Say Taliban Opponents at Vienna Meeting

Wednesday, 06/26/2024

On the final day of the Vienna meeting, opponents of Taliban stated that setting the Doha meeting's agenda according to the Taliban's demands and the group's unilateral participation indicates that the UN has deviated from its primary mission.

In a declaration, they warned against any engagement and normalisation of relations between the international community and the Taliban.

The final declaration of the Vienna conference stated, "The unilateral participation of the Taliban and setting the agenda according to their wishes not only delegitimizes the Doha meeting, but also the entire Doha process."

The Taliban opponents called on UN Secretary-General António Guterres to act responsibly considering the sensitivity of the Afghan issue.

The participants of the Vienna conference described the human rights situation in Afghanistan as dire, citing the restrictions on women, the denial of their right to education, and their removal from public life as clear examples of gender apartheid and crimes against humanity.

They urged the international community and independent organisations to recognize gender apartheid and facilitate the prosecution and accountability of Taliban leaders responsible for such conditions.

Several politicians, civil activists, and human rights advocates gathered at the fourth Vienna meeting to discuss various issues concerning Afghanistan.

On Wednesday, the participants called for addressing the current multilayered crisis in Afghanistan, stating that the Taliban are trying to perpetuate their illegitimate rule through intimidation and torture.

They described Afghanistan's security situation as fragile, deteriorating, and unstable, calling for the mobilisation of forces opposing the Taliban.

The four working groups of the Vienna meeting proposed strategies for transitioning to a democratic, stable, and legitimate Afghanistan. They emphasised on the importance and necessity of neighbouring countries' support and coordination for transitioning to a secure, democratic, and humane Afghanistan.

The participants of the Vienna meeting called on regional countries to refrain from cooperating with the Taliban in mining activities, stating that minerals are a national asset and should only be utilised by a legitimate government representing the people.

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