Taliban’s Ministry of Interior Registers People's Mobile Phones

Monday, 06/24/2024

The Taliban’s Ministry of Interior announced the launch of a system to register mobile phones belonging to the citizens of Afghanistan.

The ministry stated that it has begun the process of registering citizens' mobile phones by distributing forms among the public.

Abdul Mateen Qani, Taliban’s spokesperson for the Ministry of Interior, wrote on X social media platform on Monday, that registering mobile phones "has been undertaken to protect and secure citizens' mobile phones”.

Qani wrote, "The process of registering people's mobile phones and distributing forms for this purpose has been ongoing for a year now."

The spokesperson for the Taliban’s Ministry of Interior stated that the group plans to implement mobile phone registration across all regions of the country in the future.

Although the Taliban has claimed that this process is aimed at protecting people's phones and has so far recovered 704 stolen phones through this method, critics argue that registering mobile phones could provide the Taliban with greater control over citizens.

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