Taliban Reacts Strongly to UN Special Rapporteur’s Report on Afghanistan

Zabihullah Mujahid, the Taliban spokesperson, stated that some UN members, particularly the Special Rapporteur for Afghanistan, are attempting to divert attention from the third Doha meeting.

Mujahid said that those in the UN always try to present a "bad" image of Afghanistan.

On Wednesday, in response to the 56th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, the Taliban spokesperson wrote on X that some UN member countries are overshadowing significant developments by portraying a negative image of Afghanistan.

Mujahid added that the Taliban appreciates the supportive stance of some countries in the UN Human Rights Council.

He emphasised, "It is a reality that positive and constructive engagement with the Islamic Emirate must be carried out."

On Tuesday, Richard Bennett, the UN Special Rapporteur for Afghanistan, presented his report, stating that the systematic and institutionalised discrimination in Afghanistan and the exclusion of women by the Taliban should shock the conscience of humanity.

Bennett described the exclusion of women from public life and their deprivation of education and work as "crimes against humanity" and called on the international community to recognise gender apartheid in Afghanistan.

Bennett also urged the international community to stop legitimising and normalising relations with the Taliban. He stated that the international community should not treat the Taliban as a legitimate government in the upcoming third Doha meeting.

Representatives of most countries at this meeting condemned the Taliban's policies towards women and called on the group to lift restrictions on women.