Tajik President Expresses Concerns Regarding Ongoing Situation in Afghanistan & Palestine

President Emomali Rahmon of Tajikistan, in a speech to the country's House of Representatives, expressed grave concerns about the current situation in Afghanistan, the Middle East, and Palestine.

Rahmon urged the international community to resolve the conflict in the countries through negotiation and dialogue.

The president of Tajikistan recently gave a speech in the country's House of Representatives, addressing both domestic and foreign policies. The transcript of the speech has been made available on the official website of the Tajikistan Presidency.

In his speech, he expressed concern about the current situation in Afghanistan without providing further details. Over the past two years, he has repeatedly emphasised, in both regional and international meetings, the necessity of establishing a democratic and inclusive government with the participation of all ethnic groups in Afghanistan.

Arms and drugs trafficking as well as attempts to infiltrate extremists into Tajikistan and Central Asia are among concerns of Dushanbe.

Rahmon stressed that Tajikistan cooperates with all international and regional organisations, including the United Nations, Commonwealth of Independent States, Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, Economic Cooperation Organisation, Collective Security Treaty Organisation, Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe and other institutions in order to enhances Tajikistan's global standing and facilitates active engagement in worldwide processes, programs, and contexts.

He mentioned that Tajikistan aims to operationalise several international and regional transit projects in the near future.

According to him, one of these projects is China-Tajikistan-Afghanistan transit and economic corridor, which will be used in the near future.