Ex-Afghan Security Officer Claims Taliban Captured 16 Family Members, Assaulted Daughter

Shahzada Rostami, a former security officer of Afghanistan's previous government, disclosed to Afghanistan International that the Taliban has captured 16 of his family members and assaulted his teenage daughter in Takhar province.

Rostami reported that his second wife and child, returning from Iran, were apprehended by the Taliban in Nimroz province and subsequently moved to Takhar. He stated that his family resides in Darqad district, Takhar, and he escaped to Iran fearing for his safety following the Taliban's ascension to power.

Despite the Taliban's declaration of a general amnesty and urging of government officials to return to Afghanistan with assurance of safety, Rostami recounted the recent arrest of 12 family members, including his children, on Tuesday, followed by the abduction of four more relatives on Wednesday.

He revealed that after the Taliban's takeover, he fled to Iran with his second wife. Rostami expressed concerns about the Taliban's intentions to force his wife, a Tajikistan national, into marriage with a Taliban commander, despite their lawful marriage.

Rostami, who served as an internal security officer in the Takhar Police Command, claimed that the Taliban have repeatedly searched his house, destroyed his property whilst searching for weapons, and severely beat his teenage daughter, resulting in injuries to her hand and face requiring urgent medical attention.

He has called upon the United Nations and human rights organisations to investigate and address this grave situation.