Taliban’s Defence Minister Warns Opposition Amidst Rise in Attacks & Meetings

Mohammad Yaqoob, the Taliban’s defence minister, has warned the opponents of the group even as there have been an increase in guerrilla attacks and regional meetings of anti-Taliban figures.

The Taliban's defence minister warned that those who, according to him, are trying "to create chaos and disrupt security”, that "unnecessary propaganda will end up harming you”.

Radio Television Afghanistan, controlled by the Taliban, on Friday published a video of Yaqoob’s speech at the graduation ceremony of the group's special forces.

In the video, Yaqoob implicitly reacts to the regional meetings and statements of the Taliban’s oppositions regarding the increase in the guerrilla attacks.

Taliban’s defence minister said, "To those organising gatherings with the intent to undermine the country's security or create chaos, know that the Taliban leadership has granted you pardon, and the arms of the security forces are open to you.”

He asked the opposition groups to return to their country and take part in its development. He also asked the opposing parties to stand by the Taliban’s armed forces because according to him they are "genuine, Islamic and national forces and they will never betray you”.

Yaqoob, who is the son of Mullah Mohammad Omar, the founder of the Taliban, asked the opposition forces of the group to stop "propaganda and ineffective statements". Because according to him, it will not have a good result and it will cost them.

These statements have been made even though the opposition fronts of the Taliban have increased their guerrilla attacks on Taliban outposts during the past weeks.

Over the last 10 days, Afghanistan Freedom Front (AFF) has announced 14 guerilla attacks on Taliban positions in the capital and various provinces of the country.

According to AFF, these attacks were carried out in Kabul, Kapisa, Balkh, Baghlan, Laghman, Takhar and Parwan provinces. The front claimed that at least 30 Taliban members were killed and 16 others were wounded as a result.

Meanwhile, during the past weeks, Moscow and Dushanbe hosted two meetings with the presence of prominent anti-Taliban figures.