Amnesty Launches 16-Day Campaign To Address Women & Girls’ Situation in Afghanistan
On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, Amnesty International launched a 16-day campaign to address the situation of women and girls in Afghanistan.
The views of human rights activists, politicians, artists, politicians, and teachers are supposed to be reflected in this campaign.
Amnesty International is urging all human rights activists, protestors, and various groups to send messages of solidarity and support for Afghan women and girls in the period starting from November 25 to December 10. Afghan women and girls are encouraged to share their experiences using the hashtags provided by the rights organisation.
On X social media platform, the organisation stated, "Today as we launch the #16DaysOfActivism, we will feature messages from human rights defenders, activists, protestors, artists, politicians, and teachers.”
Amnesty International requested that the following hashtags be used in sharing messages: #speakupforafghanwomen, #16DaysOfActivismAgainstGenderBasedViolence, #16DaysOfActivism.