Afghan Girl Talks About Torture, Interrogation At Taliban’s Intelligence Agency Prison

Elaha Delawarzai, the wife of Saeed Khosty, the former spokesperson of the Taliban's Ministry of Interior, on Twitter talked about torture and the experience of solitary confinement inside a Taliban prison.

Delawarzai on Tuesday said, "Inside the Taliban prison, they gave electric shocks to my genitals."

Delawarzai, who accused Khosty of "forced marriage after raping her", said that she had been imprisoned at a Taliban prison for six months.

The Afghan woman said that she was interrogated and tortured several times in the "directorate 40” of the Taliban Intelligence Agency. She also said that she could hear the “heartbreaking sounds” of other prisoners being tortured there.

On Sunday, Delawarzai wrote about torture and imprisonment by the Taliban on a Twitter account attributed to her. She wrote, "From November 2022 to April 2023, the Taliban tortured me inside the intelligence prison of 40 Directorate and even shocked my genitals… They forced me to confess."

Elaha Delawarzai, a medical student, recorded a video message last year, saying that she had been forcibly married to former Taliban spokesperson, Saeed Khosty, in the Taliban General Directorate of Intelligence (GDI). However, Khosty had said that the marriage had taken place as per the will of Delawarzai.

In response to the Taliban's treatment of her, Delawarzai wrote on Twitter, "The Taliban apply their oppressive laws only to the defenseless people of Afghanistan, and there is no punishment for the Taliban members."