Taliban Appoints New Governors For Badakhshan, Kunar & Zabul Provinces

Monday, 06/26/2023

The Taliban leader has appointed Qari Mohammad Ayub Khalid, Mawlawi Qudratullah Abu Hamza, and Mawlawi Hezbollah Afghan as the new governors of Badakhshan, Kunar, and Zabul provinces, respectively.

Before their new appointments, Mohammad Ayub Khalid had been the governor of Kunar and Abu Hamza was the Taliban’s governor of Zabul.

According to the Taliban-controlled Bakhtar News Agency, Mawlawi Abdul Jamil, the former judge in Badakhshan, has been appointed as the deputy governor of the province.

Mawlawi Afghan was the former deputy commander of the Taliban's 217 Omari Corps, who has taken over as the group’s governor of Zabul province.

According to Bakhtar News Agency, Mawlawi Amanuddin Mansour, the former governor of the group in Badakhshan, has been appointed as the new commander of the 217 Omari Corps, and Mullah Agha Mohammad Ibrahim, the former commander of the Taliban’s army corps, has been demoted and appointed as deputy commander of the 217 Omari Corps.

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