Armed Men Beat Up Enikass TV Reporter in Jalalabad City

Tuesday, 11/01/2022

Niaz Mohammad Khaksar, a reporter with Enikass TV, said that he had been beaten up by armed men when he was on his way home from work on Monday.

He added that three armed men stopped him in district 7 of Jalalabad city, beat him up, and questioned him about his work.

Khaksar added, “They asked me if you are a reporter. I replied in the affirmative. Later, one of them confirmed it and they immediately started to beat me up."

The Enikass TV reporter stressed that because of the physical assault he fell unconscious and when he regained consciousness, he realised that he was in the hospital. He said that the local people had transferred him to a hospital.

Khaksar told Afghanistan International that he has no personal enmity and that the reason for the attack was his profession, a journalist.

Local Taliban officials in Jalalabad city, the capital of Nangarhar province, have not commented on the beating up of the journalist.

In the past few months, a former female reporter and three other male reporters of the TV station had been beaten up in Jalalabad city.

In early 2021, a driver and four female journalists of Enikass TV had been killed in two armed attacks.

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