HRW States People With Disabilities Face Rights Setback In Afghanistan

Human Rights Watch (HRW) believes that there are doubts on whether there will be white cane day activities, a day marked around the world to advocate for the rights of people with vision impairments, in Afghanistan this year.

HRW stated that with many human rights issues in the country, protections for people with disabilities have weakened.

There are 4.4 million Afghans with disabilities who are stranded in the country with limited access to services, or have fled as refugees to other countries.

"People with disabilities in Afghanistan face discrimination, limited services, and a lack of a legislative or institutional framework to ensure their fundamental rights," HRW said in its report.

Afghanistan first celebrated White Cane Safety Day in 2011.

In Afghanistan, Rahyab, an organisation of people with disabilities that has been providing education and rehabilitation for people with visual disabilities, started promoting the White Cane Day celebration to advocate for the rights of people with vision impairments.